HttpUnit release notes

Known problems:

  1. The "accept-charset" attribute for forms is ignored; the page content character set is used to encode any response. This behavior matches that currently used by IE and Navigator.
  2. Defining a form parameter with the same name or ID as a JavaScript Form function will cause that function not to be callable.


  1. JDK 1.4.2 or higher is required
  2. JavaScript support does not include some DOM properties
  3. The JavaScript assignment Document.cookie= does not restrict the cookie by path and domain
  4. Only table cells and explicit paragraphs are recognized as text blocks

Revision History:

Version 1.7 Released 2008-05-20


This project would almost certainly have remained dormant without the extraordinary contributions of our new committer, Wolfgang Fahl. Wolfgang has been extremely active over the past few months, erasing the backlog in bug, patches, and enhancement requests, and generally improving the quality and energy of the project. In addition, thanks are due to:


  1. Upgraded NekoHTML to 0.9.5
  2. Upgraded Xerces to 2.6.1
  3. Upgraded Rhino to 1.6R5
  4. The PostMethodWebRequest.setMimeEncoded method has been removed. Mime encoding, if desired, should now be specified when constructing the object.
  5. now only returns the contents of the frame containing the link. Previously, if there was no event involved and the link included a frame reference, it would return the contents of the referenced frame.
  6. HttpUnit configuration management has been moved from CVS to subversion at
  7. The build now uses the Maven dependencies task (see rather than keeping the dependent jars in the repository.
  8. When using the nekoHtml parser, tag and attribute names now default to lower case, rather than upper case as before
  9. Empty cells from tables are no longer automatically purged when searching for a table by its first non-blank cell

Problems fixed:

Content and Parsing:
  1. bug #1124047 - selecting a select option by index should now throw RuntimeException rather than IndexOutOfBounds if the index is bad
  2. bug #1212204 - WebRquest.getQueryString was ignoring parameters without values
  3. bug #1277797 - expired cookies are now removed from the client session
  4. bug #1283878 - in JDK 1.5, empty error pages were causing FileNotFoundException to be thrown
  5. bug #1371204 - there was no way to change or delete a server-supplied cookie from a test
  6. bug #1672385 - specifying HttpOnly on a cookie header was causing any specified cookies to be lost
  7. bug #1705925 - URL-encoded parameter values were not decoded properly if HttpUnitOptions.setDefaultCharacterSet() is set to something different than ISO-8859-1
  8. bug #1843978 - the value of a SELECT control could not be set if the web page defined a namespace URI
  9. bug #1895501 - the applet codebase was defaulting to the root directory, rather than the current directory
  10. bug #1954311 - WebForm.setParameter no longer throws NullPointerException when the control is a TextArea
  11. patch #1155415 - in some cases, automatic redirects could result in an infinite loop
  12. patch #1155792 - could not set the action for a form if its original action had a parameter named "action"
  13. patch #1281655 - attempts to parse xml as html were being rejected
  14. patch #1443333 - unnamed image buttons now submit positions as "x" and "y"
  1. bug #1289151 - clicking a button was firing the 'onClick' event for disabled buttons
  2. bug #1396835 - increading the length of a select control was throwing an exception
  1. PseudoServer was incorrectly parsing chunk lengths as decimal rather than hexadecimal
  1. The implementation of ServletContext is now public, allowing it to be instantiated via reflection as needed
  2. bug #1165454 - HttpServletRequest.getScheme() now returns "https" for secure requests
  3. bug #1242640 - Causes of 500 errors are not included in the stack trace
  4. bug #1323031 - HttpServletRequest.getPathInfo was not properly decoding spaces in URLs


Content and Parsing:
  1. Created a custom HttpUnit DOM
  2. Basic authentication now can support authorization only after challenge and different passwords for different realms.
  3. Added support for rudimentary (RFC 2109) digest authentication.
  4. Added "overrideContextType" property to ClientProperties to permit handling of files served with the wrong content type.
  5. Added HttpsProtocolSupport.useProvider to override the default selection of the JSSE for SSL support
  6. Added HttpsProtocolSupport.useIBM to select the SSL support provided by IBM WebSphere (which must be in the classpath)
  7. patch #844084 - added "sendReferer" property to ClientProperties to permit testing of sites when the referer header is blocked by a firewall or proxy server
  8. patch #1518901 - added methods to control connection and read timeouts.
  9. patch #1415415 - added (mime types for tiff and pdf)
  10. patch #1531005 - getElementsWithAttribute should now work with most attribute names
  11. bug #1476380 - cookies are now accepted even if their domain matches exactly
Javascript support
  1. patch #796961 - javascript events can now be directly invoked on elements
  2. patch #884146 - added support for the 'onMouseDown" and 'onMouseUp' events
  3. patch #1030851 - added support for 'onBlur' and 'onFocus' events
  4. patch #1653410 - added support for arbitrary element attributes
  1. HttpRequest.getDateHeader() has been implemented; previously it always returned -1
  2. patch #1246438 - HttpRequest.getReader is now implemented
  3. patch #1864072 - now log to a user-specified output stream
  1. Added WebResource.suppressAutomaticContentTypeHeader to permit generation of responses without the Content-Type header.
  2. Improved debugging messages and handle response timeouts.

Version 1.6.2 released 2006-03-27:

        Thanks for Fabrizio Giustina for suggesting a way to make the TableRow object publically accessible.

    Problems fixed:
        1. bug #1063494 HTML entity replacement was looping indefinitely on strings with '&' and no ';'
        2. ServletContext.getRealPath() now handles relative paths that do not start with a "/"

        1. patch #1413171 Web table rows are now directly accessible in a TableRow element.
        2. Added support for Servlet API 2.4
        3. Implemented ServletContext.getServletContextName
        4. (PseudoServer) made HttpRequest class public

Version 1.6.1 released 2005-03-06

        Thanks to Hanson Char for identifying a JDK 1.5 incompatibility.
        Thanks to Satish Kolli for fixing bug #1040770
        Thanks to Fabrizio Guistina for supplying an implementation of locale handling for ServletUnitHttpResponse
        Thanks to Vladimir Korenev for providing an implementation for style.visibility, element.tagName, and element.nodeName
        Thanks to Yaqoub Jaiousi for identifying the problem with buttons outside of forms.

    Problems fixed:
        JDK compatibility
             1. bug #1039989 Did not compile with JDK 1.3. This bug was introduced in HttpUnit 1.6 and has now been corrected.
             2. Renamed local variables which conflicted with new JDK 1.5 keyword "enum."

        Content and Parsing
             3. bug #1046597 tables nested inside paragraphs were not being seen by the enclosing page. This bug was introduced
                in 1.6 and has now been corrected.
             4. bug #1074232 buttons outside of forms were only recognized if defined with the <button> tag, not <input>

        Window handling
             5. bug #1035949 Following a link from the top frame to a _parent target no longer results in a NullPointerException.

             6. bug #1040508 Using the setCheckbox and toggleCheckbox methods was not triggering the onclick event
             7. bug #1040770 the JavaScript property is now supported
             8. bug #1047367 frames defined by javascript were not being detected.
             9. patch #1046516 property style.visibility is now supported
            10. bug #1073810 a null pointer exception is no longer thrown when javascript sets a control value to null
            11. bug #1052779 with javascript URL no longer throws a null pointer exception or class cast exception
            12. bug #1087180 setting a numeric value into a form parameter was appending a trailing decimal zero

            13. bug #1044820 ServletUnit now implements HttpServletResponse.getLocale() and setLocale()
            14. bug #1051123 ServletUnit handling of parameter encoding was not cleaning up url-encodings
            15. bug #1151277 only the first user-defined cookie was recognized in ServletUnit if multiple were set
            16. Made all WebResource constructors public

Version 1.6 released 2004-10-03

    Thanks to Chris Hane for making it easier to add support for javascript properties and for providing support for
        getAttribute() to handle any property defined in the underlying Node.
    Thanks to Patrick Lightbody for adding JavaScript support for the Style object
    Thanks to Phil Zampino for finding a fixing a problem in PseudoServer's handling of very long requests.
    Thanks to Andrew Bickerton for adding the following JavaScript support:
        Form.length          - returns the number of controls in a form
        Control.type         - returns a test description of the control type
        Control.defaultValue - returns the default value for text controls
        Initial page tokenizing now skips JavaScript while looking for header tags
        Writing into an empty frame no longer corrupts all empty frames
    Thanks to Jarom Smith for finding some typos in the tutorial.
    Thanks to Jay Dunning for providing an implementation of HttpServletResponse.containsHeader
        and implementing support for ServletContextListeners.
    Thanks to Fabrizio Giustina for adding an entity-resolver to support local use of ServletUnit with a regular web.xml
    Thanks to Kazuaki Matsuhashi for correcting the handling of non-Latin link parameters
    Thanks to Dan Frankow for supplying an implementation of ServletContext.getMimeType and correcting the
        implementation of HttpSession.setAttribute when the value is null
    Thanks to Guillaume Dandurand for supplying code to get the onload event when the page
        is a frameset rather than a regular page.
    Thanks to Michael Corum for making the Button.disabled property settable from JavaScript.
    Thanks to Darrell DeBoer for providing a patch for select box functionality
    Thanks to Bart Vanhaute for finding a fixing an infinite recursion problem with frame loading.
    Thanks to Dave Brosius for adding hashCode to Cookie and QuerySpec

    Content and Parsing
         1. rfe #766768: getText() methods now translate <br> tags as newlines.
         2. rfe #901172: content-types "text/xhtml" and "application/xhtml+xml" are now recognized as valid HTML
         3. rfe #974791: WebForm now supports submitNoButton to submit a form without any of its buttons. This permits
            testing of server response to a Javascript-style submit without using JavaScript.
         4. rfe #986876: The WebClient.addCookie method has been deprecated, since its behavior is actually a bit confusing
            and replaced with "putCookie" allowing subsequent the replacement of a cookie value defined by a previous
            call to "putCookie."
         5. patch #1026566 The Cookie class now implements hashCode properly.
         6. patch #879193: The name of a select box may now be treated as an array of options.
         7. patch #879193: Select now behaves as a multiselect listbox if it has size > 1 or if multiple is set and the size is not set to 1.
         8. Patch #795698: HTMLElement now supports a getAttribute method to return the value of any named attribute.
         9. WebResponse and TableCell now support getElementsWithAttribute to return all contained HTML elements
            with a specified attribute.
        10. setCheckbox() and toggleCheckbox() have now been expanded to select one of a group of checkboxes by specifying
            its name.
        11. WebForm now supports the newUnvalidatedRequest method, which should be used in preference to
            HttpUnitOptions.setParametersValidated( false ). This creates a web request copied from the form
            but not tied to it, so that parameters can be set without validation.
        12. Enhanced http logging to show target server, request header line, and received URL
        13. HTMLElement now supports a getText() method to return the text contents of any element
        14. WebResponse now supports getTextBlocks and getFirstMatchingTextBlock to retrieve headers and paragraphs from a page.
        15. HttpUnit now catches an attempt to load an included script from a page included with "getResource" rather than
        16. Click positions on image buttons may now be specified using one of:
                form.submit( button, x, y )
       x, y )
        17. Added preliminary support for lists
        18. Added convenience method setParameter( String, File ) to simplify file uploading
        19. A username and password may now be specified when accessing a proxy server.
        20. Added support for javascript Input.tabindex and Text.maxlength properties (read-only)
        21. Added support for javascript property
        22. Patch #890995 - Implemented ServletUnitHttpResponse.containsHeader
        23. Patch #890936 - Added ServletContextListener support
        24. Added HttpSessionListener support
        25. Added support for ServletContextAttributeListener and HttpSessionAttributeListener
        26. Added support for filters
        27. rfe #909922: ServletUnit now supports HttpServletRequest.getHeaders
        28. patch #915296: Local copies of the 2.2 and 2.3 web.xml dtds are now consulted if specified,
            rather than connecting to the Sun website.
        29. ServletRunner now takes a reference to a web.xml as a File object in its constructor.
        30. ServletRunner and ServletUnitClient now support a getSession() method to return the HTTP session to be used
            by the next request or modified by the last request.
        31. ServletUnit now implements HttpSession.getServletContext().
        32. PseudoServer now pools its ServerSocket's in order to be more gracious regarding system resources. Pooling can
            be controlled via the properties: socketReleaseWaitTime and waitThreshhold.
        33. PseudoServer can now received chunked requests, and will not send a "Content-Length" header if a
            "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" has been defined.
        34. PseudoServer now accepts a full http URL to permit testing of interaction with proxy servers.

Problems fixed:
         1. bug #804585: the javascript documentation referred to the old location of the
                         getNextAlert and popNextAlert methods
         2. bug #804559: unimplemented links have been removed from the incomplete user manual.
         3. A number of typos in the tutorial have been corrected
    Content and Parsing
         4. bug #978770 Clicking on a button outside of a form is now supported
         5. bug #838947 Document.getElementById now returns null if no such element exists
         6. bug #957882: URL path elements containing leading '.' were being stripped of those periods.
         7. bug #830856: WebLink URLs broken across lines are now handled correctly
         8. bug #805921: WebForm.selectImageButtonPosition was misleadingly public and should not have been used.
            It has been made package-private, and new means are provided to submit positional image buttons (see additions).
         9. bug #982097: http urls being used as request parameters were being mangled
        10. bug #803041: HTML entity & now recognized in refresh URL tag
        11. bug #803095: Absolute URLs now supported in refresh URL tag
        12. bug #986397: Subframe included fragments in their source attributes now ignore those fragments when generating requests.
        13. bug #990914: WebFrame scriptables are now accessible by getElementById
        14. patch #995853: decode link parameters based on page character set
        15. When a form has no action specified and its URL contains parameters whose names match those of parameters
            in the form, the form values are used instead.
        16. Slashes in URL parameters were being misinterpeted as navigation
    Request handling
        17. The HeadMethodWebRequest was actually sending the GET method, as was any HeaderOnlyWebRequest.
        18. bug #964940 The Referer header was not being sent again if the original request was redirected
        19. bug #974380 When using a DNS listener, host header no longer includes ':-1' if the port is not specified
        20. bug #1032440: An explanatory exception is now thrown on an attempt to use a mailto: URL in a form submission
    Cookie handling
        21. bug #873169 - Cookie headers were generated with no space after the semicolon (unlike IE, Netscape, and Mozilla)
        22. Cookie domains without leading dots are now accepted, as per RFC 2965.
        23. bug #1025968: Cookies with max-age attribute will now expire (max-age=0 is treated as immediate expiration)
    Frame handling
        24. bug #737167: Nested frame names are now as specified, previous included names of parent frames.
        25. Return from a request that wrote to a new frame is now the result of that request, was the original page.
        26. Return from a request specifying an unknown frame now opens a new window; previously created a subframe
            in the requesting window.
        27. bug #1029139: infinite recursion in frameset page when a frame has src="#"
        28. A frameset 'onload' event is now invoked after all of its subframes have been loaded
        29. HttpUnit no longer complains about not being able to find the Rhino jar (js.jar) if scripting is disabled
            before any pages are read.
        30. bug #823433: document.cookie now defaults to the empty string, like IE and Mozilla, rather than null
        31. Using JavaScript to write into an empty frame could change all empty frames to the same value
        32. using an empty name was replacing the main window rather than creating a new one.
        33. Patch #812709: Support JavaScript changing "disabled" attribute on Buttons
        34. bug #861866: Support JavaScript changing "disabled" attribute on form controls
        35. Forms defined after a <script> section which accessed document.forms would not be found if document.forms
            was also accessed in a subsequent <script> section after the new form definition.
        36. bug #974675 Javascript function did not honor "_self" tag for window name.
        37. bug #960307 meta tags within <noscript> tags were not being ignored when scripting was disabled
        38. bug #959918: Javascript setting of numeric values included trailing zeros after the decimal point.
        39. bug #1013045: Form, Link, and Image id tags are now recognizable from JavaScript where a name tag would be
        40. ServletUnit now applies character encoding in interpreting post parameters
        41. Patch #873911: ServletContext.getMimeType is supported
        42. Patch #873914: HttpSession.setAttribute( name, null ) now properly removes the named attribute
        43. bug #872129: Cookie header set on a web request was ignored in servletunit
        44. HttpServletRequest.getCookies() method was only returning the first cookie defined in the request
        45. bug #1034067: ServletConfig.getServletName now returns the name specified in web.xml for registered servlets.
        46. PseudoServer now supports any method handled by a PseudoServlet. Previously, it only handled GET, POST, and PUT.
            It is simply necessary to override the getResponse method to make this work.
        47. PseudoServer would hang when sent a very long request.

        1. Upgraded NekoHTML to 0.9.1
        2. Upgraded Xerces to 2.4.0
        3. Upgraded Rhino to 1.5R4.1

Version 1.5.4 released 2003-08-21

    Thanks to David D. Kilzer for:
         creating thorough tests for URLs containing navigation and showing a way to handle them, and
         submitting the WebLink.MATCH_TEXT predicate.
    Thanks to Lloyd McKenzie for finding a problem with listing cookie names and suggesting a fix.
    Thanks to Brian O'Kelley for supplying a way to disable use of the proxy server.

    Content and Parsing
        1. WebResponse and TableCell now support getElementsWithName and getElementNames to look up HTML elements.
        2. Form.getOptions() now works for radio buttons and checkboxes - as long as the desired name is located after the control.
        3. rfe #723895: A new class CookieProperties now supports relaxing cookie matching rules for path, domain, or both.
        4. It is now possible to define a CookieListener on CookieProperties to watch for cookie rejection events
        5. rfe #751505: Add clearProxyServer() to disable the use of the proxy server
        6. rfe #744360: Added getFirstMatchingForm and getMatchingForms() methods to WebResponse and HTMLSegment
        7. rfe #756453: Made Button.isDisabled() method public
        8: rfe #717752: Added WebLink.MATCH_TEXT predicate to match link text exactly
        9. rfe #721424: You can now set checkbox values in a form via: setCheckbox(name,boolean) or toggleCheckbox(name).
                        These methods will throw an exception if the specified parameter is not a checkbox or if more than
                        one control  has the name.
       10. JUnitServlet now supports a value of 'xml' for the format parameter, generating a format compatible with
           ant's XMLResultFormatter
       11. You can now get the value of context parameters from a ServletRunner via the getContextParameter method
       12. PseudoServer now permits setting the maximum protocol level. If it is 1.0, all responses will be forced to
                        HTTP/1.0 no matter the protocol of the request.

Problems fixed:
    Content and Parsing
        1. bug #717280: URLs with "../" in them were not resolved properly
        2. bug #717640: <base> element was not being handled in the case when no host was specified.
        3. When setting a selection control, HttpUnit would always select a value matching its first option if possible,
           rather than taking the first valid value.
        4. bug #722788: WebForm.submit() was not invoking the 'onClick' event of the specified submit button.
        5. bug #721989: scripts did not see id attributes of form controls.
        6. bug #741965: cookies with explicit domain attributes are being rejected when their host is of the form HD
                        where D is the explicit domain attribute and H contains a dot. Apparently, most browsers ignore this
                        rule. Now, so does HttpUnit, if CookieProperties.setDomainMatchingStrict( false ) is called.
        7. bug #750846: Cannot retrieve all cookie names when both global and site-specific cookies are defined.
        8. gzip'ed responses were sometimes truncated.
        9. bug #734133: javascript: URLs were ignored if "javascript:" is not all lower case.
       10. bug #744214: ServletUnit does not recognize subframes

Version 1.5.3 released 2004-04-04

    Thanks to Andrew Bickerton for:
          correcting the handling of for non-HTML pages and new pages with base tags,
          correcting the document.write append problem,
          identifying the javascript parent frame update problem and suggesting a fix, and
          showing how to handle responses with content-length 0.
    Thanks to Brendan Boesen for:
          adding a method to access session IDs in ServletUnitContext, and
          correcting the session invalidation problem.
    Thanks to Daniel Jasmin for fixing the handling of applet loading from archives.
    Thanks to Mark Luty for supplying a test for the getElementsByName function.
    Thanks to Ron Webster for designing the new HttpUnit logo.
    Thanks to Sergey Bondarenko for supplying a test for getElementsByTagName
    Thanks to George Murnock for adding WebResponse.getMatchingTables()

Problems Fixed:
    Content and Parsing
        1. Bug #700889: Under certain cases, multiple <script> sections in a document caused a problem where
           only those HTML elements defined before the first one were actually available to the scripts.
        2. Bug #709979: Select.selectedIndex was returning -1 for a normal select box with no options explicitly selected.
        3. calling on a non-HTML page no longer throws an exception.
        4. Rewriting a document now properly handles any <base> tags in the new document.
        5. Applets were not loading properly from applets if a codebase was specified in the <applet> tag.
        6. When loading a page triggered a script function which redirected to a new page in the same frame,
           the WebResponse returned from getResponse was the triggering page. It is now the redirected page.
        7. HttpUnit now handles refresh headers without explicit URLs, defaulting to refreshing the containing page.
        8. HttpUnit was delaying until a timeout when a zero-length response was received
        9. calling document.write on a closed document was appending to rather than replacing its contents.
       10. Following a javascript link which updated a parent frame via manipulating the location was causing a 'NoSuchFrame'
           exception to be thrown.
       11. HttpUnit was chopping off javascript urls if they contained a '#' character.
       12. The Content-Length header was not being sent with requests.
       13. HttpServletRequest.getIntHeader() always returned -1.
       14. ServletUnit was creating a new session if the current one was not valid, even if "create" was not specified.
       15. ServletUnit had not implemented HttpServletRequest.getContentLength();
       16. ServletUnit had not implemented HttpServletRequest.getURL();
       17. ServletUnit was always supplying a charset parameter in the returned Content-Type header, even when not requested.

    Content and Parsing
        1. WebResponse and TableCell now have getMatchingTables to return all tables matching the specified criteria.
        2. <noscript> nodes in the body of a page now show their content if a <script> earlier in the page is not recognized.
        3. Select.value is now supported.
        4. Added WebForm.getButton() method using HTMLPredicate to permit more generalized button searches.
        5. Document.getElementsByName is now supported
        6. Added support for getElementsByTagName to Document and Form
        7. You can now get at the stored session IDs in ServletUnitContext.
        8. ServletUnit now supports HttpServletRequest.getRequestDispatch()
        9. PseudoServer now handles persistent connections.
       10. ClientProperties now supports a listener which allows for the override of DNS mapping, allowing a client
           to supply an actual IP address for a host programatically. The original Host header will be retained.
       11. Added format parameter for JUnitServlet: values are "text" or "html"

    1. The acceptCookies, acceptGzip, autoRefresh and autoForward properties have been moved from HttpUnitOptions
       to ClientProperties, permitting them to be set per WebClient rather than just globally. The old properties
       have been deprecated, and now access the defaults for ClientProperties. Tests which set the HttpUnitOptions
       properties before creating their WebClients will be unaffected.

Version 1.5.2 released 2003-03-03

    Thanks to John Sinclair for noting the lack of line breaks in and proposing a fix
    Thanks to Bernhard Wagner for simplifying some string comparison code in ParsedHTML and WebTable
    Thanks to Bernhard Wagner for adding some parser customization code.
    Thanks to James Howe for noting the mispelling of the getElementById method
    Thanks to Alex Beggs for noting the mishandling of non-JavaScript scripts and providing a test case.
    Thanks to Navid Vahdat for ServletUnit fixes for invalid session handling and request dispatcher paths
    Thanks to Daniel Sheppard for identifying a problem with meta refresh tags.
    Thanks to Daniel Sheppard for correcting the return status for HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect
    Thanks to Daniel Sheppard, Navid Vahdat, and Ron Hanson for help in adding capabilities to the RequestDispatcher implementation.
    Thanks to Ron Hanson for catching the obsolete behavior of HttpServletRequest.setAttribute.
    Thanks to Raphael Corre for improving logging of transmitted headers
    Thanks to Jason Bedell for supplying an implementation for HttpSession.getValueNames.
    Thanks to Jianqin Qu for finding the getTableStartingWithPrefix bug when using NekoHTML
    Thanks to Scott Fleischman for providing tests for missing frame handling functionality
    Thanks to Artashes Aghajanyan for implementing error reporting for the NekoHTML parser

Problems Fixed:
        1. The file now has line breaks between properties
    Content and Parsing
        2. get...WithID was incorrectly doing case insensitive matches.  It is now case-sensitive, since that is the way
           the ID attribute is defined.
        3. Forms prematurely closed because of improper nesting will now contain any controls defined before the next form.
        4. Quotes in refresh URL meta tags are now recognized and stripped.
        5. Headers defined per request were not being logged
        6. WebResponse.getTableStartingWith and getTableStartingWithPrefix was trying to match newline characters when
           using the NekoHTML parser.
        7. Bug #680695: is now supported.
        8. Bug #680695: Form control ids are now usable to locate components.
        9. Scripts marked as something besides JavaScript are now ignored.
       10. Calling document.close() in the middle of an immediate script no longer replaces the current page.
       11. Opening a non-HTML window via Javascript no longer raises a NotHTMLException.
       12. Included and forwarded servlets now inherit parameters from their calling servlet.
       13. Included servlets now have access to their path information as attributes, as per the spec.
       14. Forwarded servlets now have access to their path information from the standard request methods, as required.
       15. All servlets within a web application now share the same instance of ServletContext, permitting attributes
           set by one servlet to be visible to other servlets.
       16. ServletUnit now creates a new session if the requested session exists but is marked invalid
       17. ServletUnit was interpreting the getRequestDispatcher path as an absolute path. It now correctly treats it
           as relative to the context root.
       18. ServletUnit now supports HttpSession.getValueNames().
       19. Calling HttpServletRequest.setAttribute in ServletUnit no longer throws an IllegalStateException if the value
           had previously been defined.

    Content and Parsing
        1. You may call HTMLParserFactory.setPreserveTagCase and setReturnHTMLDocument to control whether the parser coerces
           the case of tags and attributes or returns a HTMLDocument object, respectively.
        2. HTMLParserFactory now supports methods to explicitly select the parser without playing with the class path.
           This includes support for additional parsers not bundled with HttpUnit.
        3. WebResponse and TableCell now support the getElementWithID method, which returns any supported HTMLElement,
           given its ID. Supported HTMLElement objects include WebForm, WebLink, WebTable, WebImage, WebApplet,
           FormControl, TableCell, and TableRow.
        4. Added getFragmentIdentifier() to WebRequestSource (parent of WebLink, WebForm, and WebImage)
        5. Added support for <iframe> tag. IFrames work just like regular frames, except that they are embedded in a response
           without a <frameset> tag. IFrame support is controlled by the ClientProperties.iframeSupported property.
        6. WebForm.isHiddenParameter returns true if all parameters with the specified name are hidden
        7. Frame handling is now more flexible, searching within a window for a target frame rather than just below the source frame.
        8. HTMLParserListeners and parser warnings now work with the NekoHTML parser.
        9. All HTML elements with id attributes are now accessible
       10. The property is now supported
       11. Added support for document.getElementById
       12. ServletUnit now handles https requests, marking them as "secure."
       13. ServletUnit now supports HttpServletResponse.flushBuffer()
       14. InvocationContext now supports include and forwarded servlets: calling pushIncludeRequest or pushForwardRequest
           updates the servlet, request, and response properties of the context so that subsequent calls can be done from
           the dispatched servlet. Calling popRequest reverts to the dispatching servlet.
       15. ServletUnit now loads and initializes servlets specified with the <load-on-startup> element.
       16. HttpServletResponse methods reset(), resetBuffer(), and setBufferSize() are now implemented.
       17. ServletRunner.shutDown() will invoke the destroy() methods of any servlets which have been invoked
           through that servlet runner.
       18. ServletUnit now supports HttpServletRequest.getHeaderNames

    1. Upgraded NekoHTML to 0.7.2 which no longer generates superfluous <form> tags.
    2. Removed a number of deprecated methods

Version 1.5.1 released 2002-12-18

    Thanks to Geert Bevin for fixing a problem with comparing cookies
    Thanks to Troy Waldrep for pointing out the non-standard Refresh header definition accepted in popular browsers
    Thanks to Raul Benito Garcia for pointing out the problem with no-action forms accessed with URL parameters
    Thanks to Larry Hamel for supplying an ant target to run
    Thanks to Charles Mendis for finding the bug in the proxy support
    Thanks to Michael McCallum for adding handling for bad character-set headers and an ant target to build the examples
    Thanks to Neville Wylie for catching the top.parent and frame name index problems

Problems Fixed:
    Content and Parsing
        1. Adding both a "global" cookie and a server-based cookie with the same name caused a NullPointerException
        2. Simply removing the NekoHTML parser jar from the classpath was not enough to re-enable JTidy. Now it is.
        3. When a form obtained using parameters as part of the URL has no action, those parameters are now sent
           as part of the form submission.
        4. Bug #635273 Proxy port always interpreted as port 80 due to typo
        5. As of 1.5, HttpUnit was not building if NekoHTML was not in the classpath. This is now fixed.
        6. Bad character-set headers from servers would result in an UnsupportedEncodingException.
        7. Bug #638406 Multi-line values in form data were using the platform-specific line ending rather than CRLF.
        8. HttpUnit now ignores empty parameters on form actions, as IE and Netscape do.
        9. Table <th> elements were being handled *after* <td> elements in the same row
       10. Bug #641687: when neither NekoHTML.jar or Tidy.jar is in the classpath, a class not found exception was thrown

       11. Bug #638306 Document.writeln was writing the value "13" rather than CRLF as its terminator.
       12. Bug #638304 Interframe dependancies for JavaScript at load time were causing frame data not to be found.
       13. Bug #637208 no longer returns null when an 'onClick' event fails to return true.
       14. The parent attribute of the top frame was returning null rather than the frame.
       15. Frame names used as indexes into the Window.frames array were not being recognized.
       16. The <base> tag was not being used to find included scripts
       17. Multiple form parameters with the same name were only being treated as an array if they were checkboxes;
           otherwise, they were being ignored - this would result in a "undefined value has no properties" error message.
       18. Bug #644642: changes to form parameters made from immediate scripts were being discarded

    Content and Parsing
        1. Added support for the Refresh header
        2. Added support for applet parameters and archives
        3. There is now an ant target to run the Example program.

        4. Added support for the location.href property
        5. Added support for, Document.close, and Document.write / writeln for new documents
        6. The Rhino jar now includes a patch to improve error-reporting for unsupported DOM elements
        7. Added support for most subproperties of the Location object - mostly r/o, but some read/write
        8. Added support for Document.cookie

    1. Upgraded NekoHTML to 0.7.1

Version 1.5. released 2002-11-03

    Thanks to Ken Corbin for adding tests for disabled and read-only parameters.
    Thanks to Geert Bevin for fixing a problem with generation of cookie headers that affects some servers.
    Thanks to Richard Harris for adding support for the title attribute for links,
           for adding the JavaScript Navigator.platform property,
           for adding Javascript support for the Screen object,
           for pointing out the value of retaining the same ScriptingEngine instance for a ScriptableDelegate,
           for adding stubs for various unimplemented JavaScript Window properties.
           and for finding a case where the handling of JavaScript comments was not working.
    Thanks to Stefan Renz for describing the correct way to set up proxy servers in Java 2 and later.
    Thanks to Troy Waldrep for help with the new handling of response statuses and messages.
           and for fixing the JavaScript / HTML end-comment bug
    Thanks to Andy Clark for help using the NekoHTML filter capability.
    Thanks to EdA-qa mort-ora-y for findind and fixing the MIME-encoding bug

    1. The NekoHTML parser is now supported. If it is present in the classpath, it will be used in preference to JTidy.
       Note that NekoHTML is a much more forgiving parser than JTidy, properly handling a lot of bad HTML that JTidy
       cannot. In addition, the Document class that NekoHTML creates is of type HTMLDocument. On the other hand,
       the HTMLErrorListener is not currently supporting the NekoHTML parser, although such support will be added if
       it is really needed.  NekoHTML is the current preferred parser and will probably be required to support certain
       JavaScript enhancements. Ultimately, it is possible that JTidy support will be dropped.
    2. The version of xerces now included in the distribution is 2.2, which is required for NekoHTML.
    3. The exception HttpServerNotFoundException has been removed. When no server is found, HttpUnit now throws the
       standard exception:
    4. The required jars are now included in the distribution, so it is not necessary to download them separately.
       This was an oversight.

Problems fixed:
    Content and parsing
        1. The cookie header was being generated with a space after each ";" separator.
        2. AuthorizationRequiredException was being thrown even when exceptions on error status was disabled
        3. A bad certificate on an https connection was incorrectly being flagged as a no-such-server exception. This
           is fixed on JDK 1.4, due to a correct in the JDK. On previous versions of the JDK, HttpUnit is using a
           workaround, which cannot detect the difference.
        4. Bug #626822 Controls without names are no longer sent as part of a MIME-encoded message
        5. When not using Latin-1 encoding, URL string characters *, _, and - were improperly being encoded
        6. Requests created by calling the web request constructors directly, rather than being derived from an HTML page
           were always using the Latin-1 encoding, rather than the user-specified default encoding.
        7. Repeated requests for the same JavaScript domain objects returned new and different instances, thus
           preventing identity tests.
        8. Under certain circumstances, the first line of a JavaScript section was being treated as though commented out.
        9. JavaScript ending with --> rather than the proper end-comment // --> was being treated as a syntax error
       10. When a JavaScript event resulted in submitting a request and bypassed the normal mechanism, WebForm.submit and
  did not return the changed page.
       11. Bug #618140 JavaScript access to the file submit control value was not working
       12. ServletUnit was not supporting mappings for the default servlet.
       13. ServletUnit now explicitly specifies its locale for generating dates as Locale.US to comply with RFC-1123

    Content and parsing enhancements:
        1. WebForm now supports 'isReadOnlyParameter' and 'isDisabledParameter' which allow checking of the state of a
           particular form parameter. Note that if multiple controls exist with the same name, these methods only return
           true when all such controls are read-only or disabled, as appropriate.
        2. RFE #614397 <input> parameters with unrecognized type fields are now treated as text fields. This appears
           to match the behavior in most browsers.
        3. Links, forms, and images now have a readable title property.

    Web navigation enhancements:
        4. Following the "_blank" target now creates a new web window, with its own set of frames. Following links or submitting
           forms will update the window from which the request originated. Requests may also now be initiated from an open window.
           The list of open windows is a property of the web client.
        5. The mechanism for searching for tables has been expanded to permit arbitrary search criteria, similar to that
           for links.
        6. WebClient now supports a WebWindowListener which will be called when a new window is opened or closed.
        7. Added WebWindow.getOpenedWindow() to return a window by its name.
        8. You may now close a window by calling window.close(). This will trigger any active listeners. If the window closed
           the main window, another window will be promoted to that status.
        9. Added the HeadMethodWebRequest class to support HEAD method requests

    Security and state-management enhancements:
       10. The proxy server may now be specified by calling WebClient.setProxyServer. This should also ensure that the
           correct authorization header is sent.
       11. Cookies are now restricted by their origin server, rather than being sent on every request.
       12. A new package com.meterware.httpunit.cookies, now exists to support the cookie functionality.

    Scripting enhancements:
       13. The navigator object now supports the readable 'platform' property.
       14. The screen object is now supported, with properties availHeight and availWidth
       15. Added support for Location.replace()
       16. Added support for Window methods: open(), and close()
       17. Added support for Window properties: closed, frames, name, opener, top, parent, and <subframe-name>
       18. Added do-nothing stubs for the Window properties and functions: moveTo(), focus(), setTimeout()
       19. document.write and writeln are now supported for processing a page while it is being loaded. This only
           works if the default NekoHTML parser is being used.

    ServletUnit enhancements:
       20. RFE #585495 ServletUnit now supports HttpServletResponse.setContentLength.
       21. ServletUnit now implements HttpServletRequest.getLocale() and getLocales()

Version 1.4.6 released 2002-10-02

    Thanks to Ville Skytt� for removing the test dependency on xerces.
    Thanks to Donald Ball for pointing out the problem with the behavior of Select.selectedIndex.
    Thanks to Jin Zhao for help in expanding the search possibilities for links.

Problems fixed:
    1. An attempt to set a non-existent parameter now correctly throws NoSuchParameterException rather
       than UnusedParameterValueException.
    2. Obtaining the URL from a javascript: request no longer throws MalformedURLException.
    3. Bug #604478 - setting the form action did not always update the predefined parameter list. This could cause a request
       to be sent with the wrong URL parameters.
    4. Form, Image, and Link names are now properly treated as case-sensitive within Javascript.
    5. A Javascript URL containing a question mark was incorrectly being URL-encoded.
    6. HTML comments at the start of a JavaScript were not being completely ignored
    7. Disabled form parameters were being submitted with requests and could be modified by setParameter calls.
    8. Bug #617065: using Javascript to set an option in a drop-down box does not unset other options.

    Content and parsing enhancements:
       1. When no response is received from a server, HttpUnit will now throw HttpServerNotFoundException, which is a
          subclass of HttpNotFoundException. This should aid in diagnosing response failures.
       2. When a 404 (not found status) is received from a server, the accompanying message is now available
          from HttpNotFoundException.getResponseMessage().
       3. The mechanism for search for links has been expanded to permit arbitrary search criteria and to retrieve
          either the first match or all matches.
       4. Some per-client properties are now stored in a per-client object. Each new web client is initialized from the
          default, but may also be configured independently by retrieving the clientProperties object.

    Scripting enhancements:
       6. It is now possible to control the handling of script errors by calling HttpUnitOptions.setExceptionsThrownOnScriptError.
          If the exceptions are not thrown, the error messages will instead be available via HttpUnitOptions.getScriptErrorMessages()
       7. The forms, images, links, and Form.elements arrays now handle string indexes
       8. Select.selectedIndex is now read/write.
       9. Link.href is now read-write.
      10. The Navigator object is now supported.

Version 1.4.5 released 2002-08-30

    Thanks to Steve Heath for an example on how to make JSPs work with ServletUnit.
    Thanks to Rajan Narasimhan for fixing the relative URL computation problem.
    Thanks to Sebastien Rosset for pointing out the case sensitivity problem with WebResponse.isHTML
    Thanks to Hans-Joerg Hessmann for a faster algorithm for the table lookups
    Thanks to Peter Royal for fixing the handling of query-only relative URLs and the IllegalStateException when
       scripting is disabled.
    Thanks to Michael Reardon for implementing the ServletUnit header method handling code and session.getAttributeNames
    Thanks to Geert Bevin for finding and fixing the ServletUnit POST parameters bug.
    Thanks to Geert Bevin for implementing ServletUnit support for HttpServletRequest.getParameterMap

Problems fixed:
    1. The "_parent" frame target should now be handled correctly.
    2. Relative URLs were not being computed properly when the base URL had a query string containing a slash.
    3. WebResponses are now recognized as HTML even if the content type is not lower case.
    4. A form request created after a call to getScriptableObject().setAction() now correctly uses the new action.
    5. Table lookups should be faster, especially for complex and large tables
    6. Embedded spaces in URLs are now encoded when a request is made
    7. Relative URLs beginning with "?" were not being handled properly.
    8. Disabling scripting result in IllegalStateException being thrown.
    9. Fixed handling of error statuses when information is still sent on input stream
   10. ServletUnit was not recognizing form parameters on a POST request which contained a query string in the URL.
   11. Submitting a request created with parameter validation disabled would send disabled parameters as well as enabled ones.
   12. WebRequest.getRequestParameterNames now returns only the names of the parameters that will be submitted with the request.

    Content and parsing enhancements:
        1. The HttpUnitOption property 'acceptCookies' now controls whether cookies received from the server will be saved
           in a web client and sent on subsequent requests. The default is true.
        2. WebResponse and WebCell now support a new method, getImages, which returns an array of objects representing the
           image tags found.
        3. WebResponse now has a getImageWithName method
        4. WebForm.getButtons() now returns all form buttons, including reset buttons and generic buttons.
        5. WebResponse and TableCell now support getImageWithAltText to find an image with a specified value in its 'alt' attribute.
        6. WebForm supports getButtonWithID

    Web navigation enhancements:
        7. You may now follow a link by calling rather than client.getResponse( link.getRequest() ).
        8. You may now submit a form by calling form.submit() rather than client.getResponse( form.getRequest() ). In this
           case you must set any parameters directly into the form.
        9. You may now obtain the current page from a web client by calling client.getCurrentPage() rather than
           client.getFrameContents( "_top" );
       10. The SubmitButton class now supports a click() method to submit the form using that button.
       11. Reset buttons may now be clicked to reset the form

    ServletUnit enhancements:
       12. ServletContext.getRealPath is now supported.
       13. ServletUnit now supports JSPs. The JSP engine must be in the class path and identified by the
           HttpUnitOptions.scriptEngineClassName property (the default is Jasper). JSPs are expected to be in the current
           working directory unless a web.xml file is specified, in which case JSPs will be searched for in the application
           context directory.
       14. HttpServletResponse header methods: setHeader, addHeader, setIntHeader, addIntHeader,
           setDateHeader, and addDateHeader are now supported.
       15. HttpSession.getAttributeNames is now supported.
       16. HttpServletRequest.getParameterMap is now supported.

    Scripting enhancements:
       17. Much of JavaScript 1.1 is now supported. See <> for
       18. javascript: URLs are now supported.
       19. WebLink.mouseOver() will trigger the associated 'onMouseOver' event, if defined
       20. The JavaScript function Window.alert() adds messages to a queue. WebClient.getNextAlert() returns the next alert
           without affecting the queue. WebClient.popNextAlert() returns the next alert, removing it from the queue.
       21. WebClient.setDialogResponder() lets a user predefine responses to the JavaScript functions Window.confirm and
           Window.prompt. By default, these functions return true and the default value, respectively. A base class,
           DialogAdapter, provides default implementations of its methods.

    Extra Testing support:
       22. PseudoServer and associated classes are now publically available and in their own package, pseudoserver.

   1. The class com.meterware.httpunit.ScriptableObject has been renamed as com.meterware.httpunit.scripting.ScriptableDelegate

Version 1.4.1 released 2002-06-20

    Thanks to Stefan Renz for finding the file control value bug and providing a fix.
    Thanks to Frank Carver for extending base 64 encoding to handle character values > 127.
    Thanks to Yassen Damyanov for fixing a bug in the handling response headers
    Thanks to James Murty for adding caching of servlet instances and some XML parsing cleanup.
    Thanks to Robert Watkins for the content length test.
    Thanks to Jessica Sant for correcting the handling of error statuses in JDK 1.3.1-03

Problems fixed:
    1. Trying to get the value of a file parameter no longer results in a null pointer exception.
    2. Passwords with character values > 127 are now handled.
    3. Parameters were not being submitted for image buttons with no specified value
    4. Response headers were truncated to the first word only
    5. The servletunit tutorial failed with a NullPointerException in the first step.
    6. bug #570644: As of JDK 1.3.1-03, the behavior of HttpURLConnection was changed to throw an IOException when an
       error status is returned. This broke HttpUnit's handling of error codes. This has since been corrected.

    Content and parsing additions
        1. HttpUnit now sends Accept-encoding: gzip unless disabled by a call to HttpUnitOptions.setAcceptGzip( false )
        2. It is now possible to set the action on a form using a mechanism which will support scripting in the future:
              form.getScriptableObject().setAction( newAction )
        3. It is now possible to set the value of a hidden field in a form using a mechanism which will support scripting
              in the future: form.getScriptableObject().setParameterValue( fieldName, newValue )
        4. A <select> control with a size attribute may now have its value undefined. The specification does not require
           this behavior, but both IE 5.5 and Netscape 6.2 do this.
        5. WebResponse.getForms now caches its result so that multiple calls will return the same set of objects.
        6. WebClient.sendRequest is now available as an alias for WebRequest.getResponse
        7. An IO exception is thrown if the content length does not match the actual received length for a response and
           content-length checking is enabled.

    ServletUnit enhancements
        8. ServletUnit now caches its servlet instances so that multiple invocations can use the same instance.  This more
           closely matches the servlet spec.
        9. Leading and trailing spaces in web.xml text nodes are now ignored.
       10. If no other mapping matches a servlet name in a URL, ServletUnit will try to treat it as a servlet class name.
           This means that you can use something like http://localhost/servlet/com.nowhere.MyServlet to access your servlet
           without explicitly registering it.
       11. ServletUnitHttpRequest now implements getInputStream and getContentType.
       12. ServletUnit now implements the HttpServletRequest.getServletPath and getPathInfo methods.

    1. Hidden fields may not be modified through the setParameter call if parameter validation is enabled, since they
       cannot be modified through normal user interaction (in the absence of JavaScript). The getScriptableObject call
       provides a way around this.
    2. The version of JTidy included with this release is 4-Aug-2000-r7, which seems to have fewer problems with classloading;
       however, it is also described as a "less stable" pre-release.

Version 1.4. released 2002-03-06

    Thanks to Didier Besset for correcting the WebForm methods: hasParameterNamed and hasParameterStartingWithPrefix
    Thanks to Stefan G. Renz for identifying the infinite loop bug in frame handling
    Thanks to Alex Chaffee for implementing context parameters for web.xml in ServletUnit
    Thanks to Jochen Hiller for supplying code to use jaxp to select a parser rather than being hardcoded to xerces
    Thanks to Oliver Imbusch for adding the WebClientListener behavior
    Thanks to Donald Ball for numerous additions to ServletUnit, including support for context paths, retrieval of
            the requestURI for a servlet request, and wild-card mapping of servlets.
    Thanks to Peter Royal for correcting handling of long line numbers in JTidyWriter, based on locale
    Thanks to Peter Rossbach for some documentation and build fixes

Problems fixed:
    1. hasParameterNamed and hasParameterStartingWithPrefix now check all types of parameters, not just <INPUT> fields
    2. (bug #492003) JTidyPrintWriter fails to parse columns
    3. Empty cookies were not being recognized.
    4. Parameters are now submitted in the order specified in the form, as long as parameter validation is not turned off.
    5. It is no longer permitted to change hidden parameters with parameter validation enabled.
    6. Subframes with the same names as others in the same tree no longer cause an infinite loop / stack overflow
    7. Link parameters are now sent in the proper order, as long as parameter validation is not turned off.
    8. Parameter validation is now done for requests built from links
    9. Control characters and spaces created by breaking HTML in the middle are now trimmed from link parameters.
   10. Forms with query strings included in the action attribute now are submitted with that string intact.
   11. (bug #490821) Javadoc generation no longer gives errors
   12. (bug #524627) Null pointer exception in NodeUtils.convertNBSP
   13. (bug #513051) Multiple headers with the same name are now handled independantly

  Content and parsing enhancements:
      1. Disabled submit buttons are now detected, but requests cannot be made from them unless parameter validation is off.
      2. HttpUnit now handles multiple file form controls with the same name.
      3. WebResponse now has a getSubframeContents method which returns the contents of a subframe of the frame represented
         by the response.
      4. gzip-encoded responses are now handled

  ServletUnit enhancements
      5. ServletUnit now supports the web.xml <context-param> tag.
      6. ServletUnit now supports the HttpServletRequest.getRequestURI method
      7. ServletUnit now supports defining (and retrieving) a non-empty context path for a web application
      8. ServletUnit now supports wild-cards in web.xml servlet mapping
      9. ServletUnit now supports creating a RequestDispatcher from ServletContext to forward to other servlets.
         Support for this is rudimentary at present: query parameters on the request dispatcher create are ignored.

  Form manipulation enhancements:
     10. It is now possible to set values for a form directly into the WebForm object. All such changes will be validated.
         These will be used by any requests derived from the form.
     11. Parameters defined in form query strings are now included in the known parameters of a form and requests
         built from it.
     12. Form parameters can be reset to their initial values using WebForm.reset().
     13. You can now change the position of an image button click in a request with WebRequest.setImageButtonClickPosition()

  Test properties enhancements:
     14. You can now call HttpUnitOptions.setAutoRedirect( false ) to enable explicit testing of redirect requests.
     15. WebClient now has an exceptionsThrownOnErrorStatus property to control this behavior per client.

  Extensibility enhancements:
     16. HttpUnit can now use any jaxp-compliant parser, rather than just xerces.
     17. MessageBodyWebRequest's constructors and inner class are now public, allowing outside code to create new request classes.
     18. WebClient now exposes the protected method writeMessageBody to ease implementation of new subclasses
     19. WebClient can now accept a listener of type WebClientListener to report on each request sent and response received.

    1. Parameter validation is now handled by the form. Requests created from the form while parameter validation is
       enabled will share the variable space of the form and therefore be validated. Requests created while validation
       is disabled will have their own variable space, which is initialized to that of the form.
    2. The decision as to whether a response will throw an exception if its status is 4xx or 5xx is now controlled by
       the exceptionsThrownOnErrorStatus property of WebClient and its subclasses (WebConversation, ServletUnitClient).
       This property is initialized from the HttpUnitOptions property of the same name when the WebClient object is
       created. This allows finer control over this behavior. Tests which depend on this setting should no longer
       interfere with one another.

Version 1.3.0 released 2001-11-28

    Thanks to Oliver Imbusch for finding and fixing problems with parsing of encoded link parameter names and values and
        of link URLs with parameters and fragments.
    Thanks to Paul Frantz and Dave Glowacki for finding and fixing problems with parsing of link parameter names without values.
    Thanks to Didier Besset for new WebForm methods: hasParameterNamed and hasParameterStartingWithPrefix
    Thanks to Peter Roßbach for catching some typos in the tutorial.
    Thanks to Benoit Xhenseval for adding a mechanism to handle HTML parser errors.
    Thanks to Benoit Xhenseval for optimizing the use of DOMs and StringBuffers.
    Thanks to Bradley Smith for implementing getParameterNames in ServletUnit.

Problems fixed:
    1. Links with parameters whose names were encoded were being mis-parsed
    2. Links with empty parameter values were being mis-parsed
    3. Most references to TestCase.assert have been renamed to assertTrue in order to prepare for JDK 1.4 and JUnit 3.7
       compatibility. HttpUnitTest and ServletUnitTest implement assertTrue to continue support for JUnit 3.6 and earlier.
    4. ServletUnit was not decoding its request parameters and names
    5. ServletUnit's HttpRequest.getParameterNames method was not implemented
    7. WebSphere cookie values ending with "=" or "==" are now handled.
    8. HttpUnit should now be more tolerant of missing character encodings

  Content and parsing enhancements
      1. It is now possible to check a WebForm for the presence of a named parameter.
      2. Disabled submit buttons may no longer be selected from a form
      3. When enabled, parameter validation now prevents changes to readonly controls.
      4. It is now possible to obtain the reason message associated with the status code, either from
         HttpException.getResponseMessageweb() or if exceptions are disabled, from WebResponse.getResponseMessage()
      5. HttpUnitOptions now has methods addHtmlErrorListener and removeHtmlErrorListener. If a listener is registered,
         it will be invoked for every error or warning generated by the parser, indicating the URL, line and column number
         of the error and a textual description of the problem.

  ServletUnit enhancements
      6. ServletUnit now compiles against Servlet 2.3
      7. ServletUnit now handles web.xml partially, supporting:
         a. mapping of exact paths to a servlet class
         b. protected URLs (exact paths only)
         c. Basic and Form authentication
         d. Servlet initialization parameters

   Documentation and Packaging
      8. There is now the beginnings of a tutorial, focused on ServletUnit but covering much of the HttpUnit API
         in doc/tutorial
      9. Archives are now rooted with the build name, following unix conventions

     10. HttpUnit now pre-allocates StringBuffer instances to their most likely size
     11. DOMs are no longer copied when passed internally'
     12. ByteTag objects no longer allocate Hashtable unless required

Version 1.2.7 released 2001-10-25

    Thanks to Chris Stevenson for identifying a problem with forms lacking an action
    Thanks to Drew Varner for more sophisticated cookie handling, including Set-Cookie2 code
    Thanks to David Karr for pointing out the problem with status code 3xx responses and
        suggesting a fix for it.
    Thanks to Dave Glowacki for the default content-type code.
    Thanks to Brett Neumeier for some Javadoc fixes and adding support for the non-standard "Charset" header
    Thanks to Richard Scothern for identiying the cause of problems with POST requests and older servlet engines.
    Thanks to Benoit Xhenseval for adding parameter detection in links, handling of meta and link tags,
        and selection of table cells by ID.
    Thanks to Mike Bracewell for noticing the incorrect loopback address in ServletUnitHttpRequest

Problems corrected:
    1. Forms with no action now default to the originating page
    2. cookies with embedded commas and quotes are now handled
    3. Status code 3xx responses no longer result in a null pointer exception when
       invoking getText or reading the input stream.
    4. The _self target now works for forms.
    5. Set-Cookie headers are now processed even on responses with 4xx and 5xx status
    6. WebForm.getOptionValues now returns the options in the order listed in the form for both selections and radio buttons.
    7. The refresh handling now recognizes requests with content syntax "<seconds>;<location>" or "<seconds>; URL=<location>"
    8. The http-equiv meta tag was incorrectly matched as "http_equiv"
    9. By default, POSTs included charset attributes which messed up some servlet engines
   10. WebRequest.isFileParameter is now functioning and public
   11. auto-redirect now handles relative URLs
   12. ServletUnit's HttpServletRequest implementation was returning "" as the host address.

    Content and parsing enhancements
        1. Added ID property to SubmitButton
        2. Added ID and name properties to WebLink
        3. May now search web responses for links by name or ID
        4. getParameter() and getParameterNames() now works for requests built from links with embedded parameters.
        5. Image map <area> tags are now recognized as links, whose text is equal to their 'alt' tag. This allows
           them to be retrieved using getLinkWith( altText ).
        6. Added getSubmitButtonWithID to WebForm
        7. Added getMethod and getAction to WebForm
        8. WebResponse.getMetaTagContent can be used to obtain the content of a meta tag (see the Javadoc)
        9. WebResponse.getStylesheet can be used to obtain the path to the stylesheet associated with a page.
       10. Added WebTable.getTableCellWithID

    Request submission enhancements:
       11. Added version of WebRequest.selectFile which allows clients to specify the file to upload using an input
           stream rather than an actual file.
       12. HttpUnitOptions now has a postIncludesCharset which can be set to true when working with newer servlet
           engines which can handle it (such as Tomcat 3.2 or later), and which may be important for internationalization.
       13. It is now possible to upload a file via a POST request not derived from a form. To do this, call
           PostMessageWebRequest.setMimeEncoded( true ) before calling selectFile.
       14. Requests may now have as many values for a text parameter name as the number of <INPUT> tags with that name.

    Response handling enhancements:
       15. It is now possible to see the response accompanying an error status by
           calling HttpUnitOptions.setExceptionsThrownOnErrorStatus( false ) before calling getResponse. This will
           prevent HttpUnit from throwing an exception in such cases. You can still check the status of the response by
           calling WebResponse.getStatusCode()
       16. Added getHeaderFieldNames to WebResponse
       17. The Set-Cookie2 header is now handled
       18. HttpUnitOptions.setDefaultContentType() lets you define a content-type to use when the web server does not
           supply a Content-Type header.
       19. Now recognizes a Charset header if no charset is specified in the Content-type header. There are some servers
           which send this non-standard header.

Version 1.2.6 released 2001-07-06

    Thanks to Marcos Tarruella for adding a test case for the Base64 class

    1. WebResponse.getRefreshRequest now returns a WebRequest object if a refresh URL
       was specified in the response header.
    2. WebResponse.getRefreshDelay specifies the delay found in the header, if any.
    3. HttpUnitOptions.setAutoRefresh controls whether the refresh URL is automatically followed.
    4. ServletUnit now supports HttpServletResponse.getOutputStream
    5. ServletUnit now supports <meta> tag parsing
    6. WebResponse.newResponse added to allow other libraries (such as Apache Cactus)
       to create WebResponse objects without using WebClient.

Problems corrected:
    1. The cookbook was missing parentheses for its constructors
    2. Updated the NearWords example to accomodate changes to the Merriam-Webster site

Version 1.2.5 released 2001-06-18

    Thanks to Rolf Schmidiger for corrected behavior when failing to find a site
    Thanks to Tom Watkins, Deepa Dihr, Marcos Tarruella for their implementation of
    Thanks to Larry Hamel for writing the SSL FAQ

    1. selectFile() now can infer file content type for the most common file extensions:
       text, txt, gif, jpg, jpeg, png, html, htm and zip.
    2. A new version of selectFile allows explicit specification of file content type
       which will override any inferred type.
    3. <button> tags are now recognized as submit buttons if their type is "submit"
       or not specified.
    4. Reading the character set from a <meta> tag is now supported.
    5. Added PutMethodWebRequest
    6. PostMethodWebRequest now has a constructor which allows its contents to be
       taken from an InputSource, like PutMethodWebRequest
    7. Added ServletUnitClient and InvocationContext to servletunit to
       permit more granular testing of servlets (still not well documented)
    8. Added getInputStream method in WebResponse to support non-text responses.
    9. Matching of text in web pages is now controlled by the HttpUnitOption property
       'matchesIgnoreCase'. The default behavior is as before - matches are not case sensitive

Problems corrected:
    1. Now throws HttpNotFoundException rather than NullPointerException when
       unable to connect to a web site
    2. I/O exceptions when accessing a site are now thrown, rather than being
       turned into RuntimeException.

Configuration changes:
    1. The build.xml file has been changed to use a specified directory of dependant jars
       rather than the system classpath. This requires at least ant 1.3. It is no longer
       necessary to specify the classpath parameter when running the unit tests.

Version 1.2.4 released 2001-05-05

    Thanks to Jim Kimball for finding and fixing the redirection of subframes

Problems corrected:
    1. Redirection with subframes was incorrectly targeted at the top frame.
    2. No longer capitalizes all header names; this was necessary for
       compatibility with those servers that do not understand case-insensitive
       header names.
    3. Repeated requests to the same URL were not resending requests properly.
       This caused some problems with validation.
    4. Now correctly passes the full specification of uploaded files, rather than just the name.

    1. Transmitted headers as well as received headers are now shown when loggingHttpHeaders
       is enabled.
    2. The GetMethodWebRequest and PostMethodWebRequest constructors which accept a target
       are now public.
    3. Added getID to WebForm
    4. Added getFormWithID to HTMLSegment interface

Version 1.2.3 released 2001-04-02

    Thanks to Silvio Samadelli for improved cookie-recognition logic

Problems corrected:
    1. Under JDK 1.3, error headers would sometimes cause a FileNotFoundException
    2. Cookies containing '=' or wrapped in quotes are now recognized
    3. The JavaDoc now correctly shows the public methods in TableCell used for handling nested tables.
    4. The XML retrieval test is no longer run when Xerces is not in the classpath, rather than giving an error.
    5. File upload capability no longer depends on JavaMail and JAF, although its test does
    6. Non-conforming authentication headers are now assumed to be requesting Basic authentication

    1. The Referer header is now sent for requests derived from links and forms.

Version 1.2.2 released 2001-01-08

    Thanks to Rocky Rhodes for finding the multiple cookie bug
    Thanks to Scott Croco for correcting the response code problem
    Thanks to Ken MacLeod for finding the UTF-8 bug.

    1. Initial implementation of file upload capability

Problems corrected:
    1. Multiple cookies were not being sent correctly
    2. When a response was received with a bad response code, it was treated either as a RuntimeException
       or a file not found exception.
    3. Creating a request from a form with an empty <select> tag was generating a SingleValuedParameterException.
    4. Corrected IllegalArgumentException: that happened in JDK 1.1.x

Version 1.2.1 released 2001-01-01

    Thanks to Toyoshi Ushio for helping with the handling of non-English scripts and for translating the home page and cookbook into Japanese.

Problems corrected:
    1. Content-type charset attribute is now recognized, allowing for the proper handling of non-ascii html pages.
    2. Form submissions now use the page character set encoding.
    3. Old format cookie headers (with the expires=attribute) are now recognized.

    1. Introductory ServletUnit functionality (parameters and sessions, but no JSP, no forwarding)
    2. Added getTableWithID method to WebResponse, ParsedHTML
    3. Added HttpUnitOptions.setDefaultCharacterSet to handle missing content charset headers, so as not to assume default encoding (iso-8859-1).
    4. WebConversation now has a new public base class: WebClient
    5. Any message header may now be defined, using: WebClient.setHeaderField and will be sent on all subsequent requests
    6. Forms may now be retrieved by their name attributes, using WebResponse.getFormWithName()

Version 1.2 released 2000-11-16

    Thanks to Robert Krueger for providing an interface to the xerces parser for XML web responses.
    Thanks to Marco Tamanti and Gabriele Antonelli for suggesting ways to support file URLs

Problems corrected:
    1. Unnamed parameters are no longer submitted as part of a form request
    2. Searching for tables beginning with a string no longer aborts with NullPointerException if the table is missing cells
    3. A problem which caused to fail compilation under JDK 1.1 has been corrected

    1. Forms with multiple buttons are now supported, using the SubmitButton class.
    2. WebResponse now supports finding a table via its summary text, using getTableWithSummary().
    3. XML parsing is now supported. If WebResponse.getDOM is called for a non-HTML response (content type is not "text/html"),
       the xerces parser will be invoked to treat the response as XML.
    4. File URLs (file:xxx) are now supported

Version 1.1 released 2000-10-17

    Thanks to Seth Ladd for specific exceptions from WebConversation.getResponse
    Thanks to Dave Glowacki for suggestions on convenience methods in WebResponse and WebLink,
                            and for correcting the set up of the https protocol handling.
    Thanks to Perry Doell for the methods to examine cookies on WebConversation
    Thanks to Ken Hygh for the proper handling of parameters with no specified type
    Thanks to Gabriel Hauser for finding a bug in the handling of parameter defaults

Problems corrected:
    1. The value parameter for checkboxes is no longer ignored
    2. Previously, getTableStartingWith[Prefix] only checked the nested tables in cell (0,0) of each outer table
    3. Parameters with no type specified are now properly handled as text
    4. Base tag is now handled to override defaults for page URL and target
    5. Empty parameter values are now handled

    1. The license agreement is now available from the home page and javadoc
    2. Https support is now built in; however, it depends on the JSSE extension (not included).
    3. Frames are now supported. The WebConversation method has two methods: getFrameNames and getFrameContents which
       allow manipulation of frames.
    4. By default, WebRequest.setParameter will now throw IllegalRequestParameterException on any attempt
       to set a form parameter to a value not normally available from the browser.
    5. It is possible to modify the behavior of HttpUnit via static methods on HttpUnitOptions. This includes:
       o enabling parser warnings (disabled by default)
       o disabling parameter validation (enabled by default)
    6. WebConversation.getResponse now throws HttpException if any 4xx or 5xx code is returned. The exact code is
       available from the exception
    7. WebResponse.getTitle() returns the HTML title of the page
    8. WebLink.getURLString() returns the URL string specified by the link in its href attribute
    9. WebResponse.getURL() return the URL used to retrieve the page
   10. WebConversation now supports getCookieNames and getCookieValue to return the current cookies
   11. The WebResponse now can return the response code associated with it (2xx)
   12. Non-breaking spaces are converted to spaces on any conversion to text

Version 1.0 released 2000-09-01

Thanks to Jan Ohrstrom for his additions to WebConversation

Problems corrected:
    1. Parsing a response would crash if there were no nodes inside a form
    1. WebResponse.getOptions and getOptionValues now return the displayed and parameter value options
       available to the user in a <select>
    2. WebRespose.getLinkWith() and .getLinkWithImageText() can now be used to locate a link in a page
       based on its text or the ALT text attribute of an enclosed image
    3. WebConversation.setUserAgent allows httpunit to pretend to be a particular browser
    4. WebConversation.addCookie allows the test to include additional cookies for the servlets to respond to.
    5. WebLink.asText returns the text value of a link
    6. WebConversation now throws AuthorizationRequiredException when the web server rejects a request
       because of authorization problems.
    7. WebConversation now supports basic authentication via the setAuthorization method.

Version 0.9.5 released 2000-08-04

    1. Nested tables are now supported (examples to follow) by using WebTable.getTableCell
    2. table columns and rows used only for formatting may now be ignored using WebTable.purgeEmptyCells
    3. It is now easy to find a table in a page based on the text in its first non-blank column and row,
       using WebResponse.getTableStartingWith
    4. All form controls should now be supported
    5. There is a preliminary cookbook available
    1. Deprecated WebTable.getCell, new method is getCellAsText
    2. Added WebTable.getTableCell to return a cell which could contain nested tables or just a DOM to examine
    3. Added WebTable.asText to return a 2D representation of the table
    4. Added WebTable.purgeEmptyCells to eliminate meaningless spacing information
    5. Added copyright notices to most source files
    6. Added support for checkboxes, radio buttons, text areas, and selects

Version 0.9.1 released 2000-06-29

    1. The PostMethodWebRequest class is now public.
    2. Row and column spans are now handled
    3. Formatting inside table cells is ignored in computing the text value of a cell

Version 0.9 released 2000-06-19

    1. The parser may be tested during the build by issuing the command: 'ant test -Dclasspath="%classpath%"'

    2. WebResponse now can return an array of the top-level tables in the HTML response.
       Each table may now be asked for its size and the contents of each of its cells.

Version 0.8.2 released 2000-06-05

    WebResponse now has a getDOM method which permits examination of the DOM equivalent of the response.

Version 0.8.1 released 2000-06-01

Problems corrected:
    Default parameter values are ignored
    Parameter values without explicit types were being ignored, rather than defaulting to TEXT
    ExampleTest now demonstrates the use of httpunit and JUnit to test servlets
    NearWords demonstrates the use of httpunit to access web site functionality

Version 0.8 released 2000-05-03

Initial public release